Can spiders escape from the vacuum cleaner once they’ve been…

Murillo need help to clarify doubt about: : Can spiders escape from the vacuum cleaner once they’ve been vacuumed up?
i’m absolutely terrified of spiders. they make me nauseous. can they escape somehow from the vacuum cleaner after I’ve sucked them up?

Try this:

Answer by MJ
yes. that is why when you vacuum them you are supposed to immediately empty the bag or canister outside.

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  1. the really smart ones can…they play dead until you go to bed,then about 3am they slowwwwly crawl into your bed,after reading “Dont get mad,get even”,and then…….you’re toast!….but, smart people put a blow up dummy in the bed and wait in a dark corner right up until they bite, and then beat the hell out of’em with a broom!!!

  2. Ah I do the same thing! I hope they cant escape!!! :X I always put a tissue in the top of the hose to make sure-and there is never anything on the tissue or behind the tissue when I go to use the vacuum again-so I dont think they can-and I have caught some huge ones lol (I’m totally terrified too-more like of all bugs in general-all in the vacuum haha 😉


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