1. I use a bag vacuum, because over time container cyclone vacuums have a bad reputation of clogging up with so much dust over time, they no longer work. And their suction usually is not as good

  2. I use the Hoover Wind-tunnel bagless vacuum and it works great. I have a big dog and it gets all his hair with no problem. Another benefit to using the container vacuum is that you don’t have to keep buying the vacuum bags etc.

  3. Emptying the bagless vacuums is so gross. Icky dusty stuff flies everywhere. Put me in the bag lady column.

  4. I use a Rainbow, it is a Container vacuum, but uses water, so that when you empty it, dust doesn’t fly everywhere. I prefer this because I don’t have to worry about the dirt flying into my face, and I can just dump the dirty water into the toilet. I am with the container people


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