1. Clean the filters and put a dryer sheet inside the vacuum canister. I also put a sheet on the return air. Smells nice. I usually have to do it every 3 weeks or so to keep it from smelling like dog.

  2. I know the smell you are talking about. Once it’s in there, every time
    you use the vacuum, it blows the smell back out into the room.
    The best solution I have found is to use Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
    or a carpet product, like Carpet Fresh which contains baking soda.
    Spread a bunch of baking soda on the floor, vacuum it up, and let it
    sit inside the vacuum over night. The next day, empty out the machine. The baking soda will have absorbed the dog odor
    and it should improve things significantly. It works the same way it
    works when you use baking soda in the fridge to soak up lingering

  3. Buy a new Dyson and get rid of the dog. Just think if the vacuum smells so must your house.

  4. just clean it all out really well and stick a dryer sheet in it behind the thing that blows out air.


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