How to get a plastic bag that was melted onto a hot metal surface off?

Steve need help to clarify doubt about: : How to get a plastic bag that was melted onto a hot metal surface off?
A plastic bread bag was melted on the side of a chrome toaster… how do you get it off without scratching the toaster’s surface?

Try this:

Answer by PJ
Try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

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  1. Goof Off may be able to dissolve it as you rub it off. Goof Off removes ink, glue, paint, etc… It’s REALLY strong stuff. Goo B Gone is the same thing if you see that in the store. You may have a little tin can or plastic bottle of it around the house already.

  2. Hello dear, I clean houses for a living and have come across a similar problem with either puty or glue, something hard that wouldn’t just wash off, which was stuck on a counter top and I used a razor blade and gently pried up the end of it then pulled up the rest. You just have to be slow and gentle to not scratch the surface. Hope this helps and only use this tactic if you have a steady hand. Good luck!


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