Most important people of the 1920s?

I have to make a David Letterman-esque Top Ten countdown of the most influential and important people of the 1920’s. So far I have a collection of 12 people that I feel had a large impact on entertainment, politics, science, etc.

Herbert Hoover (president of US)
John Logie Baird (inventor of television)
Benito Mussolini (fascist ruler of Italy)
Adolf Hitler (author of Mein Kampf, eventual leader of Germany, you know the rest)
John T. Thompson (inventor of Thompson machine gun, he pretty much has to be on there)
Joseph Stalin (leader of Russia and later Soviet Union, followed in Lenin’s footsteps, big douche bag)
Warren G. Haring (US President, helped in recouping from WWI and improved working hours and conditions)
Marcus Garvey (most famous civil rights leader of the time, prefer if hes on there)
Charlie Chaplin ("most famous man of all time," actor, often portrayed horrible working conditions or other harsh realities through comedic film)
Albert Einstein (E=mc2, theory of relativity, popularized in the 20’s)
Charles Lindbergh (first pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean)
Alexander Fleming (inventor of penicillin, father of modern day antibiotics)

There you go…my problem is putting them in a specific order from least to most important. If you could help me I’d appreciate it. GO PATS!


  1. – Madame Curie – French Scientist
    -Winston Churchill – English Politician
    -Francisco Franco – Spanish Dictator
    -Eva Peron – wife of Argentine Dictator
    -Henry Ford – Cars
    -Fitzgerald – Writer- Great Gatsby
    -Steinbeck – writer Nobel Prize
    -W.Faulkner – writer Nobel Prize
    -Trotsky – Russian Revolutionary
    -Al Capone – gangster
    -Lucky Luciano – gangster helped the Allies in Sicily
    -Greta Garbo – the Divine – actress
    -Meyer – the founder of MGM and pioneer in Hollywood
    -Howard Hughe – TWA founder and richest man
    -Edgar Hoover – director of FBI
    -Caruso – greatest opera singer
    -Mata – Hari – dancer and spy
    -Garcia Lorca – poet killed by Franco Regime
    -Nijinsky – Russian Ballet dancer – greatest
    -Anna Pavlova – Russian Ballet dancer – greatest
    There are so many more but I am going to leave them to somebody else.


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