Vacuum Technology – Then and Now

Vacuum Technology – Then and Now

Article by Jessie Owens

The Dyson company has been on the cutting edge of vacuum technology ever since they sued Hoover back in the 60’s for using their bagless technology. Now they are continuing the trend with a carbon fiber vacuum. Carbon fiber is a unique, light substance. Is it expensive and almost ridiculous to use on a vacuum cleaner? Yes. Will that vacuum cleaner be ridiculously light? Also yes. However the reason Dyson chose carbon fiber is because it is statically neutral. This means the interior will not attract dust through static cleaning.

The brush of this new Dyson is also made of carbon-fiber, which picks up dust better without throwing it around. Supposedly this is good for reducing allergens. Anything that makes air quality better is good in my book. People other than Denver Dyson repairs companies do not know the amount of allergens in pet dander.

Dyson believes that their technology is so advanced when it comes to electric motors that they are building a electric car motor. The company obviously does not have the resources to make a complete electric car without significant investment, but they believe that their advanced mini motors are superior to some of the ones on the market today. After fixing quite a few electric motors at our Denver appliance shop, I would at least agree that they have different motors.

The original advance the put Dyson on the map was their bagless designs. Forget about all the marketing about cyclones and air multipliers, bagless technology really is a boon. From the consumer standpoint it reduces the amount of vacuum maintenance they have to do. Bagless vacuums also suck much better with weaker motors because they do not have to force air through the bag membrane. Regular bagged vacuums also lose power as the bag fills up. Dysons maintain power until you need to empty the dust container. Fixing vacuums in Denver that have no bags are easier because there are less parts.

This idea was so revolutionary that other vacuum manufacturers were scared of it. They did not want infiltration into the lucrative bag selling market. Another notable design is the Dyson ball vacuum that is more maneuverable in hard to get places because it can be pushed from any direction.

About the Author

I work with many business owners to help them with SEO and marketing their website, also known as Search Engine Optimization. I work for a internet marketing Denver company called Iniquitous.


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