What is the best way to pack cleaning products?

Apey need help to clarify doubt about: : What is the best way to pack cleaning products?
I have a bunch of cleaning products I need to pack.. I am moving in 4 days.. I know you’re technically not supposed to pack cleaning products that have already been open, but I’m moving only 1 mile away, so I’m sure I will be able to get away with it. What’s the best way to pack them? Do I just put them in the box or should I wrap them with newspaper?

Try this:

Answer by windgate
Just put them in a card board box. No big deal.

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  1. Get a sturdy box and line it with a plastic garbage bag, then put the items into it. This gives a sturdy, flat bottom, a bag to protect surfaces in case of spills etc.

    Feel free to use tape and plastic wrap to create a cover/lid for any products that are a bit messier, like Comet or other powder cleaners.

  2. Pack them in a sturdy plastic container (available in most hardware stores) in such a way they will all stand upright. You do not want the to fall over and leak. Certain cleaning products can create dangerous reactions when mixed.


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