Do SpaceBags prevent mold growth inside the bag?

I have a problem with mold in my basement. I would hate to have to get rid of all my daughter’s baby clothes due to mold. So far, they’re protected in plastic totes. Some mold got through plastic containers and ruined fabrics. Do space bags (vacuum close ones) lock out all moisture?


  1. I would say yes ,if the items you are packing into the bag are clean and dry to begin with, then theres no danger of mold spores entering the bag and no moisture to encourage its growth.
    as long as you follow the instructions for packing and storing ,the clothes should be safe.

  2. yes they do. they keep everything out. its the kind where you suck all the air out? yep those are great.

    p.s i hope you are taking care of that mold!


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