how can I vacuum pack a mattress?

My parents live abroad and they have a memory foam mattress that they leave at my place to sleep on when they are here. But I have no way of storing it when they are not here. It can vacuum packed in a small bag but I don’t have that anymore.

Any suggestions?


  1. they sell those vacuum bags in lots of stores now

    you can get a replacement bag from the manufacturer

    or you can do it the old fashioned way with a sheet of plastic visqueen and some gray tape

    wrap up the mattress in the plastic seal it with the tape minus a hole for the vacuum and start sucking the air out rolling as you go

  2. I agree with Angelo unfortunately. I don’t think you’re going to be able to exert enough force on the mattress to really compress it back to the size when shipped. You can however roll it quite tightly and store it as a roll. I would get some plastic sheeting, B&Q sell rolls of the clear plastic for decorating, alternatively you can use some heavy duty bin bags cut open.

    It will be a two person job, but start by laying the mattress on the plastic sheet and picking it up at one end with the plastic sheeting. You can use a brush handle to stop the mattress from bending in the middle, and simply roll as tightly as you can. Once rolled you can use duct tape to seal the roll without worrying about damaging the mattress.

    Hope this helps, I love memory foam mattresses, but they can be a pain when you need to store them.


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