Hoover Senior 6525E Hoover senior 6525E in action with homemade convertor. this was kindly given to me by nathan, vacuums4821. Post Views: 685
looks like he needs a new headlight
nice christmas tree and nice hoover too. have u got ur dc07 low reach yet?
You’ve done some great shots here – especially the one from under the tree! Well done 😀
soon I might make a homemade green one and I will make a video of it lol.
great old cleaner!!! im glad we are friends!!
what a homemade senior?
do you know why LuKed852 closed his channel
he didnt close it, it got haked. but he will be making a new channle hopfully
lol, yeah a dc31 animal but it wasnt for christmas, it was just were i had put the empty box for it.