I found a big spider on my wall, so I grabbed the vacuum and sucked it up with the hose. Now I’m a little scared it will get out. My vacuum has a bag in it. Will get out or eventually die?
I found a big spider on my wall, so I grabbed the vacuum and sucked it up with the hose. Now I’m a little scared it will get out. My vacuum has a bag in it. Will get out or eventually die?
It is unlikely that it will escape, but not impossible.
the better not cause i dont like them either
lol well it is already dead because it had to die when you sucked it up. i mean just think……this is a tiny spider and to them this vacuum is like a HUGE ass sucker machine thingy so it has to be already dead. i vacuum bugs all the time and i never see them again so you’re fine 🙂
Possibly, especially if the spider is smart.
Yes..it can get out the same way it got in there. The odds are that it probably died though