Can you use a space saver bag on your return flight if you…

I’m using a space saver bag in my luggage on my departing flight. However, before returning home, I won’t have access to a vacuum cleaner (I’ll be staying at a hotel). Is there another way I can use the space saver bag on my return flight or only a vacuum cleaner must be used? Thanks


  1. How strong are your lungs?

    Air pressure is a marvelous thing and you’ll be amazed how compact you can get your space saver by first squeezing as much air out as possible then literally sucking the rest.

    It’s probably a lot easier to just be friendly to housekeeping at the hotel where you’re staying and ask them nicely to suction your bag when you’re ready to pack. Hotels are in the service industry and a few minutes with the vacuum doesn’t cost them anything and they’ll likely be delighted to help.

  2. You would not be able to suck out the air without a vacuum cleaner with these space saver bags, and there’s no other way you can.

  3. You can use pressure with your arms to squeeze out a lot of the air, but it will not be nearly as small. Or, you can ask at the hotel if they have a vacuum with a hose you may use. Otherwise , you may have to buy a cheap bag to fit all your extra stuff in.


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