Does anyone really love their vacuum? Like, enough to recommend it?

We have a total POS vacuum, and it is awful at picking stuff up. It’s only good feature is that it has a retractable cord, but that only works some of the time. Oh, and it doesn’t need vacuum bags, which is nice.

Since the holidays are coming up, my husband and I have been thinking about getting a really really nice vacuum, since I hate to mop and sweep and our house has hardwood and so we have to vacuum every other day anyway.
The problem is we’re renters, and will be for at least the next few years while we both finish school. So I have no idea what the floor in our house will eventually look like. (Right now it is all hardwood.) I don’t like the idea of having to buy an in-between mid price vacuum if we are eventually going to have to buy a better one, since that would be more $ overall, but I’m also hesitant to buy THE vacuum now not knowing what our floors will be down the road. We also have two cats now, but would love a dog once we don’t have to worry about renting with one.

I’m leaning towards Dyson, but I’m wondering if anyone out there really LOVES their vacuum, and why. Which brand or model is your personal favorite? Yay or nay on allergy filter claims? If you were going to shell out $$ to buy a nice vacuum, which one would you buy and why?

TIA! 🙂


  1. I use my shop vac. It has great power. Buy the big one. And get an extension hose and handle. Mine is the rigid brand.

  2. I swear by a canister model..doesn’t make a big difference what brand, Kenmore is as good as the best in my opinion. I like it because you don’t have to push, pull, maneuver the entire vaccuum when you move. I wouldn’t recommend going overly expensive. Buy one you would be happy with for about 5 years…if it lasts longer you got a bonus. If it doesn’t end up being what you really need, you haven’t invested a great deal of money into it. After a while, brushes wear down, motors get old, belts get worn. How much repair do you really want to make through the years?

    My daughter has a Dyson. She has hardwoods. She likes it’s pick up ability…but when she wants to chase spider webs in the corners and vaccuum dust from over picture frames…..she comes and gets my canister vaccuum.

    I have had Kenmore canister vaccuum through the years. Dependable, yet when things start wearing out, I don’t feel guilty for buying a new one. I have both hardwood and carpet….heads change with a toe operated latch…and it has a retractable cord. I simply HATE winding cords which my daughter has to do with her Dyson.

  3. I LOVE my vacuum. It’s the robotic vacuum, where all you do is push a button and away it goes! It even senses dirt, and it takes about 25 minutes to do a room, and when it is done it goes back to it’s charger. You do have to clean it often because it doesn’t have that big of dirt collector, and it doesn’t do corners that well, but all in all it is great! I call it Mr. Bob, I don’t know why, but it’s like it has a personality or something. It also senses if there is an obstacle in its way and slows down, it also doesn’t bang into the baseboards, and it goes great from hardwood to laminate to carpet. If someone asked me if I had to give my Kitchen aide Mixer (which is my pride and joy) or my vacuum, I would give up the mixer. If I had a choice between my husband or the vacuum, I would give up the husband…
    Well, we have four animals in the house, and I had to vacuum at least evey other day, and since I have gotten this I don’t worry about pet hair as much, and it has also saved on fights about whose turn it is to vacuum, and embarrassment about pet hair on the floors when people come over. The best thing is you can turn it on when you go out to do errands, and when you get home that is just one more chore that you don’t have to do!

  4. a kurby is like the best. its kinda pricey but it will last you a long time. it has adjustable heights so you can change for the height of the carpet. the best vacuum in the world. it even cleans carpet


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