- Fits Hoover Fold Away, Hoover Bagless, Sprint, Elite, Bagged Widepath, Caddy Vac, Runabout, Preferred, Soft & Light, Soft Guard, Breathe Easy, Bagged PowerMAX, Dirt FINDER (not self-propelled), Dimension, Futura and Fusion Cyclonic Bagless Uprights
- 2 belts per package
- For optimum performance, change your belt every 12 months
(190). Maintain optimum vacuum performance by replacing your belt every 12 months. Fits models: Hoover bagged PowerMAX, bagged Widepath, Breathe Easy, Caddy Vac, Dimension, Dirt Finder (not self propelled), Elite, Fold Away, Futura, Fusion, Hoover, Bagless, Preferred, Runabout, Soft & Light, Soft Guard, and Sprint cyclonic bagless uprights, including units that take the 40201190 and 38528090 belts. 2 belts per package.