How do i remove a stench coming out from a vacuum cleaner?

My vacuum cleaner accidentally suck in some water. I dismantle the pipe and leave it to dry. When I use it again, there is a terrible stench coming out, smells like dead rats. I tried everything to remove the stench, took out the vacuum bag, using hairdryer to blow the pipe but the smell just don’t disappear. This happened to my previous vacuum cleaner too and I have to throw it away after it suck in water as the similar dead rat stench just would not go away. What can i do to get rid of the smell?


  1. sprinkle baking soda on the floor & vaccum it up. lots…. bakin soda should cut the smell but it may take several times. baking soda is good for u’r carpet as well… it helps get the smell out of it as well & freshen it.

    also Arm & HAmmer makes carpet smells for carpet.. try that as well

  2. Put some baking soda into the bag or vacuum it up off the floor.
    There is a rug cleaner that shakes on the floor and you vacuum it up and it makes your rug and vac smell good and I think it is by the baking soda company

  3. maybe suck up some carpet fresh next time? it might hide the stench momentarily…….sounds like you might want to buy a new vacume

  4. Try putting some baking soda down on your carpet. Let is set for ten minutes and then vacuum it up. After that let it set in your vacuum clean for a half an hour. Then dump the canister out if you use one. This should take care of the smell. If not repeat a couple more times. The baking soda will re-freshen not only your vacuum; but also your carpets as well.

  5. ive heard that if you soak a cotton ball in vanilla and then put it in the bag… it helps with the smell… u can try it and see if it works or not

  6. You most likely will need to buy another vacuum cleaner. Once water hits the motor t begins to rot away and will never be right again. Just warning you that your motor may go in a few weeks/months

  7. A similar thing happened to me last month… except that I was rinsing the filter (like the directions told me to do) and then i let it dry for 48 hours… went to use it… and it was had an awful stentch to it. I ended up throwing it away and getting a better one. Try calling the company and asking them what they would reccommend if anything. Good Luck. Sorry I couldn’t help much.


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