How do you clean up raw sewage and what do you do with it?

… need help to clarify doubt about: : How do you clean up raw sewage and what do you do with it?
Our sewer pipe leaked and theres raw sewage over our garden.

How do I clean it up and what should I do with it?
Should I wear a mask or something? How should I avoid contracting diseases from it?
Also – i breathed in the raw sewage quite a few times – will this have any side-effects on my health?

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Answer by rtrentmartin
Don’t worry about breathing in anything that will make you sick. Sewage treatment plant workers work around this stuff all the time and there’s never been an illness traced to someone breathing this in.

Unless someone flushed some chemical down the drain (unlikely) there should be no harmful effects of sewage on your garden. In fact, many third-world countries irrigate crops with sewage. So, I would recommend doing nothing and in a day or two you will not even know that anything ever happened. I would wait a week at least before harvesting any fruit or vegetable to eat, but other than that the sewage will not have damaged your garden at all.

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  1. You can sprinkle a 5 pound bag of hydrated lime (quicklime or calcium hydroxide) over the wet ground. That’ll break down the organics of the sewage and eliminate the smell. Hardware or lawn & garden store.


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