How to clean hard water deposits in the bathroom?

Dude need help to clarify doubt about: : How to clean hard water deposits in the bathroom?
On the shower door which is glass, you can see white water marks caused by hard water. You can also see this on the chrome. I have tried cleaning this with bleach, vinegar, lemon juice, bar keepers friend, toothpaste, dish soap, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, kaboom and the works bathroom cleaner. Nothing seems to budge the marks. I have put a lot of elbow grease into it as well and nothing seems to work. Any ideas??? I also seem to have a slight ring in the toilet that I can not get out either. HELP!!!

Try this:

Answer by allen
“the works” for the shower.

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  1. Comet makes a great “spray cleaner” especially for hard water/scum removal on shower doors. I buy it for a good price at Dollar General, but you can buy it anywhere. It may work in your toilet but if not, buy a can of ZUD at the grocery store. It’s good for rust & stain removal. Sprinkle some in the commode, let set, then brush it around with a toilet brush, & flush.

  2. There are two products made for this purpose. They both stink. They both work.

    Look for Lime Away or CLR (which stands for Calcium, Lime, Rust) in the cleaning products section of the grocery or home improvement store. The say not to use them on aluminum (like most shower enclosures?) or marble, but I’ve ignored that and seen no damage. Test someplace inconspicuous first, of course, and if you see dulling of the finish, don’t use it. (It’s absolutely safe on tile and porcelain.)

    BTW, your shower head is probably also somewhat clogged with mineral deposits. You can remove it and soak it in the same product. If it doesn’t come off, use a plastic sandwich bag over the head and tape or rubber band it securely.

  3. Try using a spray car wax, the kind that gets hazy and then u buff it off. On the crome also but use a toothbrush and elbow grease, I gaurentee it. Also on the glass u can try rubbing compound.


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