What is the safest way to clean up mouse droppings?

ladybugdb44 need help to clarify doubt about: : What is the safest way to clean up mouse droppings?
I am thinking I heard some were that cleaning up mouse droppings can cause a person to get sick?? We have put bait in the shed .But the mess from those mice is so gross. I wanted to use the shed as a work shop.

Try this:

Answer by prettymama20_2004
Vacuum them… then throw away the bag, or wash the dirt cup….

add: I would wear rubber gloves and a allergy mask (dust mask) while cleaning it all up… Yes the are diseases that they do carry, but as long as you wear protective gear, and wash your hands and face afterwards, you will be fine….

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  1. Take your cannister vaccum & suck the poop up & maybe a slow mouse or 2. Then dispose of the bag immediately in the trash.

  2. well sound´s like the little devil´s are having a really good holiday .have you caught any yet ? best bait to use in your traps is Spanish Chorizo sausage, never fail´s it has such a strong smell,they just have to have a nibble,then good bye little devil.As for cleaning up there dropping´s just use a mask, and gloves , the longer you leave it there the worse it will be Mice only live where there is a fresh supply of food, so make sure you have no food stuffs in your shed .Potato, flower bulbs candle, soap any thing really they eat and use everything they can get there little paws on . also if your kitchen is close to the garden make sure you have most of your food stuff in tight sealed container´s. you really have to not invite them to lunch every day.also if you have pet´s , remove any food that they leave straight away.so many thing´s you have to look out for . They may be small but they can cause a lot of damage ,they eat through wires cable´s and this could cause a fire .so the quicker you get the little devil´s the better for you

  3. I’ve had to deal with that when I lived on land that had been used as a farm for a long time. What I had to do was wear rubber gloves and use hot bleach water- and change out the water and cleaning rags frequently. And make sure to soak the scrubbing brush in bleach afterwards.

    Good luck!


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