What’s the best vacuum for picking up kitty litter?

V need help to clarify doubt about: : What’s the best vacuum for picking up kitty litter?
My cats get litter everywhere around their boxes. I have carpet, so I’m looking for a super duper vacuum that can pick up kitty litter without a problem. Any suggestions?

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Answer by ditdit
I have many cats. big problem. no carpets here anymore. but I find the eureka mighty mite boss canister vacuum the best for pick up. or a plain old Hoover upright for carpet. the secret is to change the bag frequently to avoid clogs that happen when suction is low.

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  1. We have a HYLA system which is a water based filtration vaccy. It is perfect for catching all the fine kitty litter and other stuff that typically comes out the back end of other types of vacs.

    When you use a system that has filters, the air doesnt get as clean as when you use the water for the filter.

    This system is also great for asthma and allergy sufferers and is imported from Germany.

    For all around cleaning (including dog/cat hair etc.), the HYLA product is heaps better than anything else there because of the water filtration system it uses.


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