Would a cockroach die from a vacuum cleaner that uses a bag?

Yeri need help to clarify doubt about: : Would a cockroach die from a vacuum cleaner that uses a bag?
I am really scared of these little guys and once I saw one crawling up my leg, I panicked. I violently shook my leg until it came off and I smacked it a few times with a tissue box. It was those smaller brown ones not the flying ones or something like that. It wasn’t moving after I kept smacking it, but I didn’t want to take chances, so I left the tissue box on top of the cockroach. I immediately plugged in my vacuum cleaner and sucked it up before I could see if it was moving. So I’m not sure if it died when I kept smacking it… My vacuum is a pretty old Panasonic one that uses a bag… Do you think it’s dead……. I honestly have no idea. My family members are sleeping and I have no idea how to empty the bag either. To be honest, I’d rather not even touch the vacuum cleaner right now.

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Answer by Anil
Cockroaches are tough. They can eat almost anything and survive headless for up to 10 days. So, unless you killed it with that tissue box, it is probably alive in there eating whatever it sees. Oh and if you have one of those, there is a chance there is more. They can breed incredibly quickly.

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