I just sucked an unknown object up the hoover, do I risk fishing…

I was hoovering under my bed and accidently sucked up an object. It was of reasonable size and I am wondering if I should I risk fishing through the dirty contents of the hoover bag to find out what it was…?

I live in a shared house of 7, and the possible contents of the hoover bag could be pretty dire. Is it worth the risk?


  1. never fish through the bag. always empty the bag first. take some old newspaper and dump the contents of the bag onto the newspaper. Use some kind of utensil to help you shift through the contents to see if there is anything you need to return to the owner, then wrap the newspaper around the trash and toss in the garbage bin.

    and if it’s not worth it to you to go through the trouble then just remove the bag and toss it without checking.

  2. Well, if it was under your bed, and you have no idea what it might have been, then you must be fine without it. HOWEVER – if you do decide to try to find it, take the bag outside to perform the surgery. That way, the dust and dirt and fuzz and stuff won’t get all over the kitchen, dining room, etc.

    The chances of it being something that you really need, though, are quite slim, since you’ve been living without it for all this time!

    ALTHOUGH – if you have small children like I do, you check EVERYTHING!!! Just because something is under my bed doesn’t mean that I don’t need it. I found money there that my 2 year old has gathered from who-knows-where, and pieces to my silverwear set that my 4 year old was using when she played tea party.

    GOOD LUCK! If you go diggin – hope you find something good!


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