I need a GOOD vacuum?

4 years, 3 vacuums. Hundreds of dollars down the drain. I need a vacuum that works people please help me. I had a bissle POS that cost like 100 bucks. A cheapy Eureka, and then a year ago I bought a DD Reaction for almost 200. Just cranked on me. WTF?! Someone suggested to skip bagless, go back to Old School n get a bagged vac, like an upright, a older Hoover. Anyone with any good advice? or ANY advice would be great, thanks.
Oh,and let it be known that I take good care of the vac I have now. Well all vacs I’ve had. 2 of 4 ppl in the house have very long hair, so I have to clean the brush head often because the hair affects it’s spinning if I don’t. ALL my household appliances I maintain regularily. The vacuums I’ve been purchasing are just obviously not quality products.


  1. Everyone’s answers are pretty good… However, people are forgetting an important step in appliances… It’s called maintance! I too used to go through it seemed a vacuum a year and in one place I only had hardwood floors/throwrugs and I still had trouble with my vacuum(s).
    So, one year 2003 I got a HOOVER SAVVY vacuum as a gift. It retails for around $200 so I decided to pay an additional $60 for the three year extended warranty. Which covers everything except bags, belts and filters. My Hoover is bagless which is ok but, kinda messy to empty at times… Anyway- I made it a point to take the vacuum to the repair store for a general clean/check 2-3 times a year and my vacuum is still going strong over 5 yrs. later.. The key with ANY vacuum is to have a through clean and check which can cost $25-$30! Cheaper than buying a new vacuum! So, maybe if you like your current vacuum spend a little money and get it fixed. Especially , if it’s a more expensive model…. Also, check out your manufacturer warranty some vacuums have more than 1 yr. Call the cust. service number….

    Good luck

  2. Definitely go with a Dyson. They’re pricey, but so worth it. I’ve tried many different vacs, and my dyson- even after 3 years and 2 dogs (that shed heavily) is still working great! I’ve even used it for sheetrock dust (not a good idea, but still…) with great results. The commercials that say "…never looses suction" are so accurate. Oh, and if anything goes wrong with it, they generally have a good warranty.

  3. The best vacuums I’ve ever had were Dyson bag-less http://www.dyson.com

    They’re usually a bit more expensive than regular or non-brand bag-less, but boy are they worth it!!

    Just make sure you treat it right – use it according to the manufacturers instructions, clean it out regularly and treat it as a valuable tool. It’ll repay you by maintaining good, strong suction, fitting in to all the right corners and crevices, and helping keep your home dust and dirt free.

    Check online for a reduced price / sale rather than the full price – you’ll probably find that post-Christmas is the time to get a bargain for one.

  4. irobot by roomba.i bought one for my mom about a year ago.it works great on hard wood floors and carpet and you can even program it to vacuum while you sleep.good luck

  5. I hate the bag less..they say they work better..pshaw…they die early..I have a Lindhaus and have had it for almost 8 years and it is still goin’..plus if you find a retailer they usually will do a check up and cleaning on the vac. once a year for free. It’s a great vac..BUT does cost a pretty penny. Mine was $500. BUT like I said that was 8 years ago..do the math. at the rate you are goin, you’ll be spending more than that in 8 years. Hope it helps.

  6. Don’t bother with dyson I had a couple and they where great until they lost their suction after a month. I now gave an electrolux for less than half the price of a dyson and it’s so much better.

  7. A NILFISK professional model. I don’t know if you can find one, but it’s the best vacuum I ever known. It’s what professional cleaners use, and what factories use to vacuum their floors. It’s ugly, and expensive, but it will last for decades. Don’t use a home model, those are just as bad as all the others, use a professional model.

  8. Most vaccuums will last many years if maintained.

    Never let the bag get more than half full.

    Always remove hair and fiber from the powerhead.

    Frequently remove the powerbar/roller brush, and belt and clean it.

    I worked for a City janitorial department for ten years and no one paid any attention to servicing the vacuums. The bags were jambed full, the passages clogged and the brush powerhead was wrapped in hair and fiber. These people were not vaccuuming, they were just beating the dirt into the carpet.

  9. Phooey on all this new stuff…I have had the same luck…. Eureka bagless…9 months! AND I spent 50.00 on new filters shortly before it bit the dust!
    Bissel…runs great, great suction , but no idea how long it will last.

    Give me an old Hoover any old day. Change the bags often (cheap), a belt every so often, and they run, and run, and run, and…..forever! And my carpets stay clean!
    With the old Hoover, about once a year, I take it down to the gas station, ask to use their air hose, then blow it out with compressed air…gets rid of all the built up dust in the motor.
    A guy who is sick and tired of buying vacuum cleaners!
    PS: everything I hear about the Dyson is that it is noisy as all get out! Don’t know if that is true, but I would try on out before I bought it.

  10. Ok, I am bragging about my Christmas gift. I am a clean freak and asked for a vacuum for Christmas. I have two dogs and asked for the new Bissel for the Pet Hair. The commercials are all over TV. I have used it three times already and cannot get enough of it. I keep looking for things to vacuum. It has great attachments and they really work. It was about $150 in Wal-Mart; Target; etc.

    If you want to spend some serious money then I recommend the Rainbow. My parents got one a few years back and it works great! If I have the money that would be my option.

    I chose the Bissel for my price range.

  11. I just got a Dyson for Christmas from my kids, and it is awesome. I vacuumed Christmas morning with my old vacuum and later that day with the Dyson. The Dyson was picking stuff up like crazy! I would definitely go with the Dyson.
    Not noisy at all by the way!


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