If I vacuum up a spider will it escape?

Hi I have found a MASSIVE spider in my flat and I’m too scared to go near it. If I hoover it up using the hose can it escape? I dont have a hoover with a bag – its a bit like a dyson. Im also then scared about emptying the hoover – will it be dead?
OK – I am way to scared to go near it – and it is very fast and BIG! Even my kitten cant eat it!
And its running round my living room floor!


  1. Be brave! You can do it! Just kill it with toilet paper or something. Don’t vacuum it up, it might escape, or just make babies in your vacuum.

    Worst comest to worse, get your bf or neighbour to kill it for you. Then you can breathe easy again. 🙂

    Good luck.

  2. If the vacuum doesnt kill it, it may be very angry and try to get revenge. Better to just let it get away, use a hair dryer to coax it out of the window.


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