why does my vacuum cleaner have no suction power?

it turns on, makes the noise, collects the dirt in the beginning of the tube but there is no suction to collect it all the way to the bag. anybody have any ideas about what i need to do or buy?

i’v already checked to make sure nothing’s blocking the way of the dirt traveling or it losing suction power by the way
yeah, so it’s a clog near in the base of the vacuum itself. i’ll figure out how to get it out somehow. thanks guys


  1. It definitely sounds like you have a clog in it somewhere. Remove the hose and drop a coin down it to make sure it’s clear. You could also have a clog at the point where the hose attaches to the vac. There’s a clog somewhere keep looking.

  2. It means the bag is full. Time to change it with a new one. If it has a filter, replace it at the same time. Depending on the vacuum, some filters can be removed for cleaning and then put back in. Do that outside and hold your breath, cuz it make a dustcloud 😉

  3. You are going to have to take it apart to make sure the hose is completely clear from the begining to the end. Most likely you vacuumed up some debris that got stuck near the end of the hose and with continued use clogged itself with hair, paper etc.


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