Homemade solutions to making vacuum cleaner smell fresher?

The hoover smells strongly of all the dog’s hairs. The bag isn’t reusable so instead of chucking it while it’s still half empty, I need to get an idea to make it smell better. Everytime I hoover right now it leaves a strong smell of dog! Ideas?


  1. I use a dryer sheet too in my vacuum. Other than that, use the carpet fresh powder and it will smell good too.

  2. Do the Shake ‘n Vac. Two reasons:

    1. There is residual effect on the carpet, so when the dog lies on the carpet, it picks up the Shake ‘n Vac scent.

    2. The Shake ‘n Vac powder is sucked into the vacuum cleaner bag, so every time you switch it on you get the Shake ‘n Vac scent.

  3. Put some activated charcoal or baking soda on your carpet, and vacuum it up. When the charcoal, or baking soda is vacuumed, it will end up in the sweeper bin. From there it will go all through the sweeper making it smell fresh as a daisy.

    Take care,



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